Monday, November 15, 2010

Jesus Took me to my Knees

I have been estatic that the Christmas season is coming up. Normally I am one of those people that wait until after Thanksgiving to set up my Christmas decor; however, this year because we got so many new Christmas things AND since it is our first Christmas as a married couple, I could not wait! Soooo... this weekend I started with getting a tree from my grandparents (They were hoarding at least 5 of them in their garage so they were happy to spare one for the Willett family). I am very excited for our 7 ft pre-lit tree to get put up this week!!

I got home last night after youth group @ church and was too impatient to wait for Jeremy to get home before I took the ornaments down from the laundry closet. As I stood on my tip toes trying to pull down a box from the third shelf, I had an experience like one I've never had before....Jesus took me to my knees!

I did not know that sometime last year after Christmas, I had placed a rather large candle and large porcalein Jesus figure on top of the box but pushed them back enough where they would not fall off. In the middle of my shaking the box to ease it down, I threw the candle and Jesus figure off balance and they wacked me on the head.

Stars were flying.

The room was spinning.

I was crying out.

And my Jesus figure...was broken all over my kitchen floor...from my skull.

All I could do was attempt to stagger to my cell phone across the room to call my brother just in case I needed assistance. One call from me saying that Jesus almost knocked me out made Zack, my mother, grandmother, and Jeremy burst into laughter.

The more we thought of this situation, the funnier it did become. Could you imagine me having to go to the hospital from a concussion from Jesus. I would be in a first class seat to behavioral health, I'm sure.

But, this situation did lead me to a conclusion, along with a mild concussion possibly- I think the Lord was telling me to wait for my husband to come home and do this work for me.